(AMA) Empoderando a los mineros: Avanzando en el progreso a través de proyectos prácticos, tecnologÃas prácticas, nuestro foro global de mineros y el programa Miners Mentoring Miners.
Bienvenido a Artisanal Mining Advocates (AMA), donde brindamos a los mineros el conocimiento, las herramientas y el apoyo necesarios para llevar a cabo sus operaciones no solo con seguridad, sino también con rentabilidad, haciendo que las comunidades mineras pasen de la mera supervivencia a la prosperidad sostenible. Al facilitar una conservación global entre los mineros, fomentamos una cultura de tutorÃa mutua, mejorando significativamente su fuerza y unidad colectiva. A través de nuestro compromiso con proyectos prácticos y un enfoque de bienestar personalizado, fomentamos el progreso cuantificable en todos los aspectos de la minerÃa.

News & Articles
News & Articles
Digging Deep Dialogue 09: Artisanal Mining Advocates
Digging Deep
Whisks away to Kenya to meet with Matt Hales (MH), Co-Chairman of AMA-GCMF GLobal Community Miners Forum. He has dedicated his career to developing the Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) sector in Kenya. Matt's unwavering belief in the power of practical projects stems from his full-time immersion in the ASGM community, where he lives and works. We dig deeper into his innovative creation, Dr. Mining Manhattan which provides unrestricted access to information relevant to artisanal and small-scale mining.
Characteristics of Community Miners
Greetings from miners!!!
Characteristic of community miners in Indonesia that the government and major world institutions do not try to understand. They create programs based only on their own thoughts, without looking at the real conditions characteristic of people's miners. Because the program was implemented without understanding the characteristics of the community, it resulted in all their equipment introduction programs failing, and the equipment they provided stalled, becoming just scrap metal.
AI Meets Artisanal Mining
Dr. Mining
One of the challenges faced by artisanal miners is access to inform and current trends in mining. with the current regulations in the sector, push for formalization, make Mercury history agenda, new technology need and occupational health and safety measures, there's a great need for instant information without waiting on someone to make these explanations. Recently GCMF (GLobal Community Miners Forum) introduced an AI and named it Dr mining Manhattan. Today, I was showing it to our miners and the feedback was amazing. instant feedback on WhatsApp with both audio and text. anyone can have a conversation with the Dr mining from anywhere. With more advancements to the database, I hope we achieve the goal of keeping miners informed.
PROGRAMS & activities FOR 2024
Biweekly Zoom Meetings
Dr. Mining Manhattan
Development and Introduction of Appropriate Technology for Community Mining
Community Mining Business Development support
Statement of Attitude, Condemnation & Declaration
Pilot Projects in Several GCMF Member Countries
World Community Miners Congress
Miners mentoring miners programs
TÃtulo de la lista
Únase al Foro de Mineros de la Comunidad Global de Artisanal Mining Advocates, una plataforma única que fomenta el diálogo internacional, la tutorÃa y la resolución colaborativa de problemas entre mineros de todo el mundo.
Descubra nuestra iniciativa 'Ayuda con la formalización', que guÃa a los mineros hacia operaciones reconocidas y legÃtimas.
​Descubra nuestro enfoque de Proyectos Prácticos y Rentables, donde facilitamos el progreso tangible en la minerÃa artesanal y de pequeña escala mediante la introducción de mejoras alcanzables adaptadas a la realidad económica única de cada comunidad.
​Explore nuestra iniciativa de 'Desarrollo comunitario', que crea comunidades mineras más saludables, felices y sostenibles.
​Explore nuestra iniciativa 'Técnicas, capacitación, salud y seguridad del siguiente paso', donde ayudamos a los mineros a mejorar gradualmente sus prácticas mineras para lograr operaciones más seguras y saludables.
Descubra nuestra iniciativa 'Land Reclamation': Transformar tierras mineras utilizadas en ecosistemas prósperos.